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Issue |
Histoire Epistémologie Langage
Volume 39, Number 2, 2017
La grammaire sanskrite étendue
Page(s) | 103 - 127 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 April 2018 |
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- Horst, Christopher Henry (translator), 1806 1 (18312). A Grammar of the Common Dialect of the Tamulian Language, Called Koṭuntamil̲, composed by R.F. Const. Joseph Beschi, Jesuit Missionary, after a study of Thirty years, translated by ---, Vepery Mission Press. [(I have not seen the 1806 (First) edition of this book (Vepery Mission Press) but it is referenced in Google Books (, although NOT currently accessible for reading, and some copies are known to exist. Christoph Heinrich Horst [1761-1810] (also known as Christopher Henry Horst) was born in Ratzeburg (Germany), came to India in 1787 and died in Thanjavur. The second edition of his translation of Beschi's grammar was printed by the Christian Knowledge Society, according to Murdoch (1865, p. xxxiv-xxxv]. A third edition was considered, but Mahon, who should have been in charge of revising Horst translation, was not at all satisfied with it and decided to make his own fresh translation, which came out in 1848 (see THIS bibliography)]. [Google Scholar]
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- Ziegenbalg, Bartholomaeus, 1716. Grammatical Damulica,/ quae/ per varia paradigmata, regulas & necessarium vocabulorum apparatum,/ viam brevissimam/ monstrat,/ qua/ lingua damulica/ seu malabarica, quae inter Indos Orientales in/ usu est, & hucusque in Europa incognita fuit,/ facile disci possit :/ in/ usum eorum/ qui hoc tempore gentes illas ab idolatria ad cultum veri/ Dei salutemque aeternam Evangelio Christi per-/ducere cupiunt :/ In itinere Europaeo, seu in nave Danica,/ concinnata/ a/ Bartholomaeo Ziegenbalg,/ Serenissimi Regis Daniae Missionario inter Indos Orientales, & eccle-/siae ex Indis collectae Praeposito./ Halae Saxonum/ Litteris & impensis Orphanotrophei M D CC XVI. [Google Scholar]
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